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The Reality of Motherhood

Discussing the reality of motherhood has became an increasingly popular topic after the famous love island star - Molly-Mae has became a mum and discussed honestly about her feelings towards being a new mum. Molly-Mae admits she's not ready   As Molly-,Mae has outlined - it's a lot harder than what she thought and I would have to agree. I think I was looking at being a mum as an exciting new chapter (which it is) but I never realised the effect becoming a new mum would have on me mentally as well as physically and but looking at Molly-Mae's it's clear to see that she is in the same boat.  Becoming a new mum is mentally draining especially if you choose to breastfeed as you are constantly needed and sometimes you feel as if you have done nothing but feed your baby all day. Physically, there are many changes to your body in which you probably weren't expecting such as the change to your body in comparison to your pre-pregnancy baby.  Like Molly-Mae, she wants to get b

First Moments with Baby Baxter

Mother holding baby for the first time

First Moments with Murray 🤱🏻

Our baby boy is officially here! My partner and I are so delighted to now be Mum and Dad to our little love - Murray. Born at 11:24 pm on the 18th February. He is the perfect addition to our family. 


My labour went fast, which is a good and a bad thing all at the same time. I delivered our baby boy within 3 hours and 5 minutes. However, this was a lot faster than it was supposed to be, resulting in our baby being facially congested and me experiencing a lot of pain in a very short time. Due to my labour accrelating from 0 - 100 in 3 hours I was unable to have any other pain relief apart from Gas & Air however, as the midwife said there is no reward for not taking any pain relief so don't feel pressured to not taking it if you need it. During my very short labour, my partner was beside me the whole time, although he may of felt "useless" the support he gave me by just being there was great. I felt safer within his company. 

 My first moment with Murray  

Our baby was born at 11:24 pm, and I was utterly shocked when I heard my baby cry for the first time. My emotions where everywhere, but I guess that's what is expected when you've just delivered a baby. Looking at my new facial congested baby boy, I was in love. I just couldn't believe that I was now a mum.  

Baby in cot in hosptial

  Why should you not plan?

 My labour went nothing I expected, especially since I had to get induced due to Murray's reduced movements. All of these was out of my control. Regarding pain relief, I only wanted to have gas and air, and due to the nature of my delivery, this is what happened, but if I knew how bad the contractions were going to be, I would have re-evaluated my options.

 This is all my personal birth story, and remember, everybody's labour is different 🤱🏻

Do you remember the feeling you felt holding your baby for the first time? 

Comment below your birth story or any questions regarding labour?


  1. Thanks for sharing your story Heather - its lovely to hear how yous are getting on. We are starting to put our delivery plan together and have no idea where to start 🙈. So glad Baby Baxter arrived safely!

    1. Hi Ciorstan, thank you for commenting ☺️! Honestly don’t stress about it! I had no idea what I wanted/didn’t want and even if I did. I think it would of all changed when I got there! 🙈🙈

  2. Every birth and experience is different and you share your story so beautifully to reflect this 🥰

  3. Think if i was to go back id tell myself not to bother making a birth plan at all! My idea of a waterbirth went totally out of the window and my sense of control over my birthing experience. As you said its cherishing those firsy moments with baby.


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