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The Reality of Motherhood

Discussing the reality of motherhood has became an increasingly popular topic after the famous love island star - Molly-Mae has became a mum and discussed honestly about her feelings towards being a new mum. Molly-Mae admits she's not ready   As Molly-,Mae has outlined - it's a lot harder than what she thought and I would have to agree. I think I was looking at being a mum as an exciting new chapter (which it is) but I never realised the effect becoming a new mum would have on me mentally as well as physically and but looking at Molly-Mae's it's clear to see that she is in the same boat.  Becoming a new mum is mentally draining especially if you choose to breastfeed as you are constantly needed and sometimes you feel as if you have done nothing but feed your baby all day. Physically, there are many changes to your body in which you probably weren't expecting such as the change to your body in comparison to your pre-pregnancy baby.  Like Molly-Mae, she wants to get b

Juggling Act

Laptop next to Moses basket. 
University work and newborn baby  

The first two weeks: 

The first two weeks of Murray's life was definitely the hardest. I knew it was going to be difficult but I don't think I realised just how hard it would of been especially with the lack of sleep and the amount of guests that come round to meet the baby. In addition to having no idea what we where doing; Murray had to be readmitted into hospital due to having high jaudince levels and needed phototherapy treatment overnight although this is really common in babys apparently. Do you know anybody that needed this? 

Baby in hospital cot with blue light
Murray experiencing phototherapy. 

Thankfully we got out the next day and Murray got to meet lots more people! Although, I enjoyed this time and enjoyed people meeting Murray; I was extremely tired and was just getting to grips with Breastfeeding.

During the first few weeks we also got discharged from the midwives on Day 10 as they were happy with Murrays weight and development as well as happy on how I was doing (although I don't think I had a shower for days 🙈). 

Back to it

After the second week and when my partner went back to work; I decided it was time to pick up my university work again especially as I was getting stressed about the amount of work in which was piling up throughout my absence.  However, I had no idea how I would be able to complete 2 group work projects and complete 3 reports throughout a very short period of time. So here's what I done - 

1. Get dressed first, then dress the baby 

(Babies are likely to need a few changes throughout the day; so get yourself ready first).

2. Set out basic to-do list.

(Don't over completcate things. Only write a max of three things as this is achievable). 

3. Take help when offered. 

(In-laws wanting to take the baby out a walk, let them! Try and focus on your university work but please only leave your baby with somebody you can trust). 

4. Don't stress if you didn't complete your list 

(Remember just as important as finishing your report, your baby won't be this small ever again so enjoy the newborn cuddles while you have them). 

As I am breastfeeding I have realised the best way to be able to focus on my university work for a long period of time is to express milk in the morning so that I have a bottle ready for somebody to give him; if needed. 

Baby in bear outfit; lying on playmat.
Two week old Milestone picture. 

Comment your tips and tricks on how you dealt with the first two weeks of your babies lifes! ❤️


  1. You’re doing amazing sweetie x

  2. Well done, sounds like your managing to juggle life well! You got this 💪🏼

    1. We are just about getting there! Just hoping my grades aren’t affected too much 😩🙈 x

  3. Well done Heather you are doing amazing xx

  4. Best tip I was told was that the housework etc can wait. Just enjoy the newborn bubble, it doesn't last for long and you don't get that time back!

    1. Awk I know!! He’s grown so much already 😩 x

  5. You’re doing so well Heather, I’m so proud of you!

  6. Your doing so well xx

  7. Your doing amazing ❣️

  8. You look like you have got this now. Keep up the great work and the studies.

  9. You’re doing amazing heather, juggling uni and everything with becoming a mum, well done xx

  10. You are doing so well, just take it day by day, enjoy the little things and try not to stress too much 🤍

  11. I think you’re doing an amazing job Heather. Much love to you and baby Murray 💙

  12. You got this mama you are doing amazing

  13. Heather youve done amazing juggling uni and a baby! Your so right about trying to get things prepped before hand. I love your hints and tips and totally true about prioritising things. Youve got this ❤️

  14. My first baby had jaundice and yes, it is very common and very treatable. Take help when it's offered and don't be shy to ask for help either. You're doing great!


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