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The Reality of Motherhood

Discussing the reality of motherhood has became an increasingly popular topic after the famous love island star - Molly-Mae has became a mum and discussed honestly about her feelings towards being a new mum. Molly-Mae admits she's not ready   As Molly-,Mae has outlined - it's a lot harder than what she thought and I would have to agree. I think I was looking at being a mum as an exciting new chapter (which it is) but I never realised the effect becoming a new mum would have on me mentally as well as physically and but looking at Molly-Mae's it's clear to see that she is in the same boat.  Becoming a new mum is mentally draining especially if you choose to breastfeed as you are constantly needed and sometimes you feel as if you have done nothing but feed your baby all day. Physically, there are many changes to your body in which you probably weren't expecting such as the change to your body in comparison to your pre-pregnancy baby.  Like Molly-Mae, she wants to get b

Time to Relax...

Bath with UWS Course Work video in background
Bath Time! 

Everybody tells you to relax throughout your pregnancy. Enjoy the time while you have it and prioritise your sleep (as you'll soon miss it) However, prioritising 'self care' when you are pregnant third year student is pretty hard (if I say so myself)! So here are some tips on how I tried to relax, keep young and trendy, keep on top of my coursework, work part-time and run a home (for the first time!) 

My TIPS - 

TIP 1 - Don't stop doing what your doing! 

Heather at Outdoor Centre in Waterproofs

My BIGGEST tip, is to keep doing what you LOVE doing even if you cannot be bothered getting up in the mornings! I worked as an outdoor instructor and when I was newly pregnant I found it incredible hard to get up in the morning, put my uniform on and get to work (on-time). However, once I had crawled out of bed, found my uniform and got to work. I instantly felt better. I have always loved the outdoors (reason why I decided to get a job teaching children about nature in the first place). But as I got heavier pregnant this became more of a struggle and the weather became more grim therefore making me make the hard decision to give up this Job and focus on myself; however, even though I was no longer working outside. I would make sure that each day I spent 1 hour outside (no matter what the weather was). 

TIP 2 - Spend time with people you love! 

Selfie taken in a red jacket; partner throwing a snow ball in the air.
New Years Day walk in the snow

I'll admit; I'm a people person therefore find it Incredibly hard to stay in myself. Throughout the last few months of my pregnancy my emotions where everywhere; I was stressing about things that probably weren't even worth stressing about. However, I realised that when I was in company with people I loved these feelings in which I had became irrelevant. Making me feel more relieved and relaxed about things. Communicating with somebody you love can make you feel so much better about things and can really help put things into a better perspective (even when your partners about to hit you with a snowball). 

TIP 3 - Stay Cool 😎

Holiday to Romania - 12 weeks pregnant 

As hard as it can be the best way to relax and stay relaxed is to stay cool. Remember everything will work out no matter what! Even if you don't have a clue what you're doing! It's diffucult not knowing what the future holds especially when you are pregnant and juggling 100 million other things at the same time. Remember it is normal to be stressing about things like - pain relief during labour, have I got enough newborn baby grows?, Am I eating the right stuff? Have I read enough to understand Mondays class? These are all questions I asked myself throughout my pregnancy on a regularly basis. 

Comment some of the thoughts you are having/had throughout your pregnancy! 

I'd love to hear them 🙂


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